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JSON-schema Krav

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "",
	"title": "Requirement",
	"description": "A schema representing a requirement, with metadata, purpose, definition type, and goal contribution.",
	"type": "object",
	"required": ["metadata", "definition_type"],
	"properties": {
		"metadata": {
			"description": "A reference to the metadata schema file, which is mandatory.",
			"$ref": ""
		"purpose": {
			"description": "An optional string property representing the purpose of the requirement.",
			"type": "string",
			"minLength": 1
		"definition_type": {
			"description": "A mandatory string property that specifies the definition type, which can be one of the following values: 'requirement document', 'set of requirements', or 'single requirement'.",
			"type": "string",
			"enum": [
				"requirement document",
				"set of requirements",
				"single requirement"
		"definition": {
			"description": "A mandatory reference to another schema file based on the value of 'definition_type'.",
			"oneOf": [{
					"if": {
						"properties": {
							"definition_type": {
								"const": "requirement document"
					"then": {
						"$ref": ""
					"if": {
						"properties": {
							"definition_type": {
								"const": "set of requirements"
					"then": {
						"$ref": ""
					"if": {
						"properties": {
							"definition_type": {
								"const": "single requirement"
					"then": {
						"$ref": ""
		"contributesToGoals": {
			"description": "A list of goals that this requirement contributes to.",
			"type": "array",
			"items": {
				"$ref": ""
	"dependencies": {
		"definition": ["definition_type"]
	"additionalProperties": false

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